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Method Acting Lab

Method Acting Lab

Q Method Acting Lab: what would YOU do to prepare for a role (due 2/5) - Sect 4 10 points possible - due 2/5 SCENARIO: There is a remake of a show below in which you are cast in ONE of the roles. Pick one role from the options provided below and then describe research to prepare for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. MAKE THIS ROLE YOUR OWN - don't imitate the original actor's or director's choices. What would YOU do if you had all the time and money in the world to help bring you closer to truthfully living as that character? This is just a lab so dream specifically big! Describe THREE character-required things YOU need to learn for the role, and prescribe preparatory activities to address them and bring you closer to truthfulness in playing this character. Be sure to address HOW you think they will help you (which deficiencies specifically fixed?). Don't rely ONLY on the character description here. This is research, dudes, dudettes and dudles! Unless you have watched the series regularly and know it inside and out, RESEARCH the SETTING of that show and your character's SPECIFIC needs. IF YOU DON'T KNOW THE SERIES AND CHARACTER: • YouTube • Google • TV Research library guide And, here are some ideas to approach and apply character research if totally at a loss. Don't forget to include WHY? you chose your prescribed research. Order in which to work ORDER OF WORK/PROCESS to research the unique requirements of a specific show/role. • Discover the given circumstances = the UNIQUE world/environment in which THIS story is set: the place, time/year, the characters, your character's past/present events impacting this current part of their life story, and what their day-to-day life is like, etc. If you don't know the show already, you have to research that unique show to get this information. • Then, list what YOU (the actor) are lacking that you need to master in order to truthfully "live" as that character in their unique world. • Then, devise a plan to research those areas in which you are lacking, by reading, interviewing, studying/imitating the real person if character based on one); traveling to explore a location for the environment, language, culture, society, economic status, etc.; training in special physical skills (e.g., a sport, language, musical instrument, ballet, singing, military experience, baton twirling, riding a horse, driving manual transmission, pole dancing, stripping, skydiving, ice skating, riding a motorcycle, belching on cue, etc.); or immersive, where you submerse yourself for an extended period of time in the character exclusively and uninterrupted, literally living as them in their location, era, culture, language and society, only responding to their name, and submersing yourself in their society. Again, here are some ideas for research prescriptions. After you "reply" here, you should be able to see and respond to others if you like. See what OTHER actors might do with the same role, perhaps. NO RIGHT OR WRONG ANSWERS. Just a fun personal "wish list" activity. Example of Method Research lab response Download Example of Method Research lab responsea full process example, only to convey the concept (not expecting you to match the volume/depth). Grading Rubric Action Pts possible List THREE activities (research/training/travel) to prepare to bring the role to life truthfully. 5 Explain WHY each of those activities will help bring you closer to truth, or why you should learn/do it. 5 OPTIONS - choose ONE CHARACTER below:

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